clowder Commands

Examples based on the Swift projects clowder.yaml

clowder branch

# Print all local branches
$ clowder branch

# Print all remote branches
$ clowder branch -r

# Print all local and remote branches
$ clowder branch -a

# Print local branches in llvm group
$ clowder branch -g llvm

# Print local branches in swift project
$ clowder branch -p apple/swift

clowder checkout

# Checkout branches
$ clowder checkout branch_name

# Checkout branches in llvm group
$ clowder checkout branch_name -g llvm

# Checkout branches in swift project
$ clowder checkout branch_name -p apple/swift

clowder clean

Discards changes in dirty repositories

# Discard changes in all projects
# Equivalent to:
# git clean -f; git reset --hard; git rebase --abort
$ clowder clean

# Clean all the things
# Equivalent to:
# git clean -ffdx; git reset --hard; git rebase --abort
# git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -ffdx
# git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard
# git submodule update --checkout --recursive --force
$ clowder clean -a

# Discard changes in projects in llvm group
$ clowder clean -g llvm

# Discard changes in swift project
$ clowder clean -p apple/swift

# Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files
# Equivalent to:
# git clean -fd; git reset --hard; git rebase --abort
$ clowder clean -d

# Delete directories with .git sub directory or file
# Equivalent to:
# git clean -ff; git reset --hard; git rebase --abort
$ clowder clean -f

# Remove only files ignored by git
# Equivalent to:
# git clean -fX; git reset --hard; git rebase --abort
$ clowder clean -X

# Remove all untracked files
# Equivalent to:
# git clean -fx; git reset --hard; git rebase --abort
$ clowder clean -x

# Recursively clean submodules
# Equivalent to:
# git clean -f; git reset --hard; git rebase --abort
# git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -ffdx
# git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard
# git submodule update --checkout --recursive --force
$ clowder clean -r

clowder diff

Equivalent to running git status -vv in project directories

# Print git diff status for all projects
$ clowder diff

# Print git diff status for projects in llvm group
$ clowder diff -g llvm

# Print git diff status for swift project
$ clowder diff -p apple/swift

clowder forall

Runs command or script in project directories

# Run command in all project directories
$ clowder forall -c "git status"

# Run script in all project directories
$ clowder forall -c "/path/to/"

# Run command in all project directories, ignoring errors
$ clowder forall -ic "git status"

# Run script in all project directories, ignoring errors
$ clowder forall -ic "/path/to/"

# Run command for projects in llvm group
$ clowder forall -c "git status" -g llvm

# Run script for projects in llvm group
$ clowder forall -c "/path/to/" -g llvm

# Run command for swift project
$ clowder forall -c "git status" -p apple/swift

# Run script for swift project
$ clowder forall -c "/path/to/" -p apple/swift

The following environment variables are available for use in commands and scripts:

  • CLOWDER_PATH is the absolute path to the root directory the clowder repo was initialized in
  • PROJECT_PATH is the absolute path to the project directory
  • PROJECT_NAME is the unique name of the project
  • PROJECT_REMOTE is the name of the project’s remote
  • PROJECT_REF is the project ref as written in the clowder.yaml file

clowder herd

Update with latest changes

# Herd a shallow clone to specified depth
$ clowder herd -d 1

# Herd using rebase instead of pull
$ clowder herd -r

# Herd a specified branch if it exists, otherwise use default ref
$ clowder herd -b my_branch

# Herd a specified tag if it exists, otherwise use default ref
$ clowder herd -t my_tag

# Only herd projects in swift and llvm groups
$ clowder herd -g swift llvm

# Only herd swift project
$ clowder herd -p apple/swift

clowder init

Clone repo containing clowder.yaml file (referred to as the “clowder repo”)

# Clone clowder repo
$ clowder init

# Clone clowder repo from branch 'tags'
$ clowder init -b tags

clowder prune

Prune local or remote branches

# Prune branch 'stale_branch' for all projects
$ clowder prune stale_branch

# Force prune branch 'stale_branch' for all projects
$ clowder prune -f stale_branch

# Prune remote branch 'stale_branch' for all projects
$ clowder prune -r stale_branch

# Prune local and remote branch 'stale_branch' for all projects
$ clowder prune -a stale_branch

# Force prune local and remote branch 'stale_branch' for all projects
$ clowder prune -af stale_branch

# Prune branch 'stale_branch' for projects in llvm group
$ clowder prune stale_branch -g llvm

# Prune branch 'stale_branch' in swift project
$ clowder prune stale_branch -p apple/swift

clowder repo

Convenience commands for managing clowder repo (the .clowder directory)

More advanced needs may require changing to the .clowder directory and running commands directly

# Add modified files in working tree to the index
$ clowder repo add .

# Checkout git ref in clowder repo
$ clowder repo checkout my_branch

# Discard current changes in clowder repo
$ clowder repo clean

# Commit changes to yaml files in clowder repo
$ clowder repo commit 'commit message'

# Pull latest changes in clowder repo
$ clowder repo pull

# Push latest changes in clowder repo
$ clowder repo push

# Run command in .clowder directory
$ clowder repo run 'git status'

# Print clowder repo git status
$ clowder repo status

clowder reset

Reset branches to upstream state

# Reset branches in all projects
$ clowder reset

# Reset branches in all projects to closest timestamp to swift project
$ clowder reset --timestamp apple/swift

# Reset branches in projects in llvm group
$ clowder reset -g llvm

# Reset branches in swift project
$ clowder reset -p apple/swift

clowder save

Save a clowder.yaml version with the information from currently checked out repositories

Versions are saved to .clowder/versions/<version_name>/clowder.yaml

# Save a version of clowder.yaml with current commit sha's
$ clowder save 0.1

clowder start

Start a new feature branch or check out if it already exists

# Create new local branch 'my_feature' for all projects
$ clowder start my_feature

# Create new local and remote tracking branch 'my_feature' for all projects
$ clowder start -t my_feature

# Create new local branch 'my_feature' for projects in llvm group
$ clowder start my_feature -g llvm

# Create new local branch 'my_feature' in swift project
$ clowder start my_feature -p apple/swift

clowder stash

Stash changes in dirty repositories

# Stash changes in all projects
$ clowder stash

# Stash changes in projects in llvm group
$ clowder stash -g llvm

# Stash changes in swift project
$ clowder stash -p apple/swift

clowder status

Print status of projects

# Print status of projects
$ clowder status

# Fetch upstream changes for projects before printing status
$ clowder status -f

clowder sync

Sync default fork branches with upstream remotes

# Sync all forks with upstream remotes
$ clowder sync

# Sync using rebase instead of pull
$ clowder sync -r

# Sync swift fork with upstream remote
$ clowder sync -p apple/swift

clowder version

Print version of clowder command line tool

$ clowder --version

clowder yaml

Print information about clowder.yaml files

# Print clowder.yaml file(s) referenced from current symlink and imports
$ clowder yaml

# Print resolved clowder.yaml
$ clowder yaml -r